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テクニカルなFAQ 技術的な質問とその回答を扱っています。

This report is a simple summary of the browsers used to visit the site. Please note that there are now browsers that "cloak" themselves, such as MS's Internet Explorer. They show up as Mozilla in the agent_log for compatibility reasons. This report does not expose cloaked browsers, which could lead to Netscape having a higher-than-expected number.


32751 | 4.0 5532 | 4.06 [ja] 4847 | 4.05 [ja] 4316 | 4.04 [ja]
4218 | 2.0 3135 | 3.01 [ja] 2129 | 4.03 [ja] 838 | 3.01 [ja]-C
685 | 4.5 [ja] 678 | 4.5 [en] 678 | 4.05 [en] 572 | 4.01 [ja]
476 | 3.0 345 | 3.01gold [ja] 318 | 3.01 310 | 4.05
306 | 4.04 [en] 286 | 4.06 [en] 266 | 4.5 233 | 3.03 [ja]
225 | 2.02 [ja] 179 | 4.03 [en] 176 | 4.07 172 | 4.5bl [ja]
154 | 4.07 [en] 143 | 3.04Gold 126 | 3.0 [ja] 120 | 3.04
109 | 4.06 104 | 3.04 [ja_eu] 100 | 4.03 [ko] 85 | 3.03Gold [ja]
73 | 4.04 [jp] 71 | 4.01a [ja] 64 | 3.01Gold [ja] 63 | 4.03
58 | 3.03C 54 | 4.5b2 45 | 4.08 [en] 44 | 2.0 Omniweb
43 | 3.0 Webtv 40 | 1.1N 40 | 4.04 [muriy 36 | 4.07 [muriy
36 | 3.03 34 | 1.22 33 | 4.04 31 | 4.04 [ヨミホト
31 | 4.01 30 | 3.0 [ja]C 30 | 4.04 [de] 29 | 4.06 [ja_eu]
22 | 2.01E -NOV- 22 | 1.1N AVE-Fr 22 | 1.1 | 21 | 4.04 [muriy
19 | 4.08 17 | 3.04C-SGI 15 | 3.03C [ja_eu] 15 | 3.01C-SEISM
15 | 4.06 [murik] 14 | 2.02 13 | 3.0 [ja]C-K 13 | 3.0C-WorlddN
13 | 3.0Gold 4 | 4.5 [ja_JP] 4 | 4.07 [de] 4 | 4.04_2 [en]
4 | 4.5b2 [en] 4 | 4.07 [ja_JP] 2 | 3.Mozilla 1 | 4.05 [zhtw]

Lynx : 2367

2358| 2.5FM libw   8| 2.7.1 libww   1| 2.8.1rel.2

InfoNaviRobot : 309

309| none

Lycos_Spider_ : 245

245| none

MSFrontPage : 147

147| 3.0

Wget : 144

144| 1.5.3

sharp pda browser : 126

126| 3.0[ja]

Nutscrape : 65

65| 1.0

InfoSeek Sidewinder : 52

52| 0.9

Slurp : 42

42| 2.0

indexpert : 42

42| 1.3

WebFetch : 41

41| none

VCI WebViewer VCI WebViewer Win32 : 31

31| none

Ultraseek : 27

27| none

sharp wd browser : 25

25| 1.0[ja]

ia_archiver : 23

23| none

ArchitextSpider : 23

23| none

WebWhacker-Lite Version 1.0J : 22

22| none

EirGrabber : 19

19| none

Java1.0.2 : 18

18| none

TITAN : 17

17| 3.0

WebWhacker : 16

16| 1.0.7

WWWC : 16

16| 0.93

WiseWire-Spider2 : 14

14| none

Googlebot : 13

13| 1.0 googleb

zzZ : 11

11| none

Spider5 : 10

10| none

Scooter : 10

10| 2.0 G.R.A.B

Aplix_SEGASATURN_browser : 7

7| 2.0

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